Friday, May 29, 2009


We have these URLs reserved and parked for our future use:






What could happen here? 
A follow-up site with world-wide links to other media channels, peace events, musicians?
Site just for an international forum for conversation about the possibility of peace?
MP3, ipod downloads?
The ".mobi" would be compressed for music and words on the go.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Tipping point

I read how scientists, demographers, and spiritual types all agree on the phenomenon of a "tipping point" - a point of critical mass out of which a new paradym can emerge.
This project is about that - moving a mass of conscious music listeners towards a tipping point around the possibility of peace. Recognizing that peace is a personal possibility. And that peace is a personal responsibility. Insititutions sure aren't going to do it. Theories aren't going to do it. WE are going to do it, - for ourselves, and for anyone else who wants to rise to the occasion!

Monday, May 4, 2009

MUSIC track suggestions

Do you have some great cuts in your playlist?  Collect them!  Music themed around Peace, Possibility, Hope.  All gendres. Indy. Rock. Funk. Whatever. Individual tracks with artist and source. Make comments about the tracks if you can.  Soon we'll begin to see what's out there and then assemble some tracks to make a DEMO!!! 


This idea is big - to create an awesome weekly radio show that offers music with meaning and showcases great words that can drive the peace message home. To pull this off, there will be many hats to wear. I was brainstorming with myself (?) and came up with a few of the jobs. And there are more. You might totally know more than I do about this. If you do, comment.

Series Researchers
Find source materials of interviews, topical audio clips, M’s talks, prose/poetry, etc.

Music Directors
Source and select music that expresses the theme for each 28-min segment.

Series Writers
Write hosts’ talking-points and other announcements.

Segment Directors
Assemble all the uncut audio files that relate to one theme for a 28-min radio show. 
 Acquire sign-offs prior to final output.

Segment Editors
Each working with one Segment Director, they edit all the audio files into a final cut for one 28-min broadcast show.
  Produce final digital output using basic audio edit software.

Words by Prem Rawat

The message this guy delivers is AWESOME!  Truly universal. Totally inspiring.  I've never heard anyone deliver a message about a topic like this in a way that is just so down to earth.  Last week I heard a clip of him saying something like ' This is NOT about Truth. This is NOT about spirituality. This is about ENJOYING this Life!'  Now that is universal!
What I like about his words is that he says a lot with a little. Sometimes with great poetry. He addresses everybody. This is important: his message cuts across religions and belief systems. And if someone likes what they hear and wants to personalize it, he can even teach people how to do that themselves if they want. No cost.
Background at The Prem Rawat Foundation www.tprf.orgThere is tons of content - audio clips can be pulled from  

The core message

That peace IS possible.  This statement contradicts a widely-held myth that peace is really NOT possible.  Impact is created when a myth is contradicted.  It relies on re-defining peace as a private and practical experience rather than as a spiritual, social, or political construct.

This project in 20-seconds

Project is called PeaceIsPossibleRadio.  Series of half-hour radio programs for 18-34 y.o. demographic.  80% music, 20% host, interview, high-impact words and humor around universal message of peace.  Tone – edgy, to contradict the ‘yoga-mat' concept of peace.  Music – themed around peace, hope, possibility. Participation all volunteer. Distributed in US via NPR, 700 university radio FM stations, and internationally via web radio streams, website podcasts, etc etc...